Water Wastage Prevention Campaign Organized by Dinhata Doinik

By Subhadeep Chakraborty (TNI Dinhata) | TNI Editing Siliguri
Webdesk, TNI Dinhata 21st May, 2017: Voluntary organization of Dinhatat i.e. Dinhata Doinik organized a social movement in a bid to prevent wastage of water at Dinhata Subdivision. The volunteers moved around various wards of Dinhata Municipality where the roadside and open taps were present.
They carried out a search operation to find the non-tapped pipes from where water wastage was happening. The areas surveyed are Dakbanglo Para, Boarding Para, Boarding Para By lane, Khowar Potti, Gopal Nagar and BDO office campus. 12 taps were set on the non-tapped stands. In this regard, Mr. Sanjit Karmakar, one of the organizers of the campaign thanked the businessman Mr. Debraj Roy of R. K. Traders for extending the helping hand in the campaign.
Photo: Subhadeep Chakraborty (TNI)